Visit to Pitti Uomo Fashion Fair, Florence, Part 2 8th March 2016

And so to Pitti Uomo itself. This is the largest men’s fashion brand meetup on Earth and is held twice a year in Florence, Italy. This time it was at the Fortezza da Basso (which means something like “the Low Fortress”), near the city
As might be expected from a global fashion event, in attendance were a number of colourful and extravagant characters in their finery:
Thanks to EFV of for this and all other images used in this blog post!
Thanks to EFV of for this and all other images used in this blog post!
Thanks to EFV of for this and all other images used in this blog post!
You could be forgiven for thinking that men’s fashion is going off the deep end a little, but our management were pleased to see this genuinely and effortlessly stylish individual, sporting a much more accessible outfit – and one that normal people might actually wear:
Thanks to EFV of for this and all other images used in this blog post!
Inside, food and drinks were served and, in typically Italian fashion, the atmosphere was chaotic (it was also chaotic outside, in fact…)
Thanks to EFV of for this and all other images used in this blog post!
With a cacophany of noise and bright colours everywhere, our management set out to find their favourite shoe brands. They’re too numerous to list here, but one notable exhibitor that we’ve recently started to deal with was Carmina, who had travelled to Florence from the Spanish Mediterranean isle of Mallorca.
It was a worthwhile trip for our management and they will probably be back fom one of he two Pitti Uomo Exhibitions next year. Check out our site over the next couple of months to see the new offerings we’re bringing you from Pitti Uomo 2016!
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